Sunday, 17 July 2011


Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments. Sorry not to have been in touch - an awful lot going on at the moment taking up so much time. I'm deep into writing my next book now, also run a writing group here in Billericay - not a large group, between 12 and 15 members, and some of them are showing real promise and I'm trying to help get a couple of them published if possible. Quite a few are men and they're a great bunch. The group meet twice a month and running it certainly take up a lot of time  
On 13th August weeks I'm off to a writers' holiday for a week, held at The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire. 300 writers and would-be writers get there, with talks and classes and lots of chatting and eating, net-working, a great time. Been going there for 14 years and it's great.
Meantime, I've received 3 complimentary copies of the DC of my last year's novel ALL THAT WE ARE, from Isis Publishing Ltd. at Oxford. Published at the beginning of this month. All of my novels are taken up, years ago as audio, these days as CDs. and it's lovely to listen to someone reading out the book.
More news later. Meanwhile wish you all well.

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